A world filled with Light


This is the final blog in the series!!


Once your world
becomes filled with light
light attracts light
and you become a magnet
for others who are ready 
to stand in their light
it’s like seeing the night sky
with an explosion of stars
the longer you look
the more light you see
a collective of light
is what we’re meant to be

Sharing your Light with the World

Imagine you are standing in the dark holding a lit candle in your hand. You turn to the person on your right and light their candle and then you turn to the person on your left and light theirs.  Now imagine those two people lighting the candles of those near them and so on and so on… See the light spreading out in all directions, filling the darkness with warmth and radiance.  This is what is possible when one person sees and accepts the Light in themself.


When we see our Light, we connect with that part of ourselves that is loving, giving and connected.  We let go of dwelling in a mindset filled with fear and hate and a need to hurt and punish ourselves, others and the world.  We recognize that those protective beliefs that we thought defined us, are merely our reactions to life, and not who we were born to be, who we truly are deep inside.

When we are in the Light we become filled with a positive sense of self.  We no longer need external validation to feel good about ourselves.  We are no longer defined by feeling afraid and of the fears that we, as humans, all have.  Instead by connecting with our Light we accept that these fears are a part of us but just a small part and that there is also our soul, the part of us that loves, feels compassion, joy, excitement of being alive. When we are in our Light, we are whole and complete.  We do not need to look to others to make us feel loved, accepted and valued.

When we choose to see our Light by connecting with those moments in our life when we feel joy, love, expansive, we are choosing to see the world from a perspective of Light, of love, of compassion. We are choosing to see the good in others, to see their Light.  In this way we can see both their Light as well as their Darkness.  Often all we see in people we struggle with or feel uncomfortable with or hurt by is their Dark.  Yet we all have a Light even though many are not aware of its presence, or how to connect with it.  By seeing their Light, we are helping them to see there is joy, love and connection in themselves.  We are helping them to see that they are so much more than their boxes, their Darkness.


When we see from Light, from love, it opens us up to understanding our place in this world, our place in the interconnected web of life.  We begin to appreciate the plants, animals who also share this planet, the solid earth beneath our feet and the clean air above us and around us.  We can begin to appreciate how our choices affect all of it.

When we are connected to our Light, the Light of others, the Light of the Divine we can understand the power of the Divine in all our lives.  We can accept that the Divine has many forms and names and all touch on the oneness of all, on the oneness of the Divine.  We can begin to understand how from many perspectives, from many religions we all seek the Light, the Divine.

As we move forward on this journey of learning to be in our Light, we are always supported and guided by the Divine, by the Light in others and by our own Souls.

This is your first step into a new way of living.  Welcome to the world of Light! 



Have you ever popped popcorn the “old-fashioned” way?  Not sticking the bag in the microwave, but by pouring the popcorn kernels into a pan on the stove?

You're new life once you’ve found your Light is like watching popcorn pop.  The kernels represent everyone living in their Darkness...and with a little help and Divine guidance (and a little butter and heat) one kernel pops.  That’s you connecting to your Light. This transformation quickly becomes contagious and all the kernels begin popping into their fully-formed state.   It keeps going and growing until the pot starts overflowing, popcorn bursting out with excitement and joy.  Once you find your Light, and start living from your Light, the Light is present in everyone and everything. You’re all connected.  You’re all popcorn.



Always the helping hand of the universe   
An invisible friend
A mentor ready to be called on
Believe and receive
Ask for help along the way
And it is yours.


Invitation to Go Deeper

Close your eyes, connect to your Light, breathe, relax into your Light, now visualize your Light spreading out from you in all directions to the people you love, to the people you like, to the people you don’t know, to the people you dislike. Visualize your Light lighting a small spark in every person it touches.  Visualize the changes that sharing your Light is having on your family, your friends, your co-workers, your neighbors, your community, your city, your world.  As you do this meditation, you are opening yourself to being in your Light and sharing that Light with the world.  You are opening yourself to the great changes that are possible when our Light sparks the Light in others. 

Music Pick for this Blog:


Czarina Russel singing  “Now We Are Free” from the movie Gladiator

Unpack Your Heart by Phillip Phillips